The doors are open. That’s what Pentecost has done. In this moment, in this event, we are empowered to realize the promise that was offered at Easter. In this short series, we embrace openness and claim the gift given to us. Let us celebrate these high and holy days by living into the all-access pass we’ve been given.
- TFWS - The Faith We Sing
- UMH - The United Methodist Hymnal
- W&S - Worship and Song
Music Notes:
Whom do you see around you? Where is the Spirit moving in your community? Those are the questions that our texts and the celebration of Pentecost ask us. Where are your ships sailing? The psalmist is asking us to raise our horizons. Who has been adopted with you? Paul wants us to see connections. To whom can you speak of the great deeds of God? Luke says to go beyond your limits. This Pentecost, let’s be the church at work in the world.
- O Spirit of the Living God UMH 539
- Spirit Song UMH 347
- Wa, Wa, Wa Emimimo (Come, O Holy Spirit, Come) TFWS 2124
- Filled with the Spirit’s Power UMH 537
- Gather Us In TFWS 2236
- As a Fire Is Meant for Burning TFWS 2237
- Blessed Assurance UMH 369