Call to Worship
Lenten travelers, who is this Jesus that we follow?
He is the Messiah.
What kind of Messiah is Jesus?
He is the Messiah who teaches that he will lose his life and who calls us to lose our lives in order to save our lives.
How does it feel to follow a Messiah whose teachings and call are so hard and uncomfortable?
Some feel fear and anger, while others feel uncertain and anxious, and still others feel resolute and ready to follow.
Lenten travelers, we are not alone in our feelings about following Jesus as our Messiah. It is a hard road. The blessing is that we do not travel it alone.
Thanks be to God that we share this journey with Jesus and one another as we lose our lives for the sake of the gospel to save our lives through Jesus, our Messiah. Amen.
Written by Dr. Lisa Hancock, Discipleship Ministries, September 2023.
Prayer of the Day
(based on Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16; Mark 8:31-38; Romans 4:13-25)
Though people may turn
their backs on us,
you do not hide
your face from us.
Though others may try
to take away our hope,
you assure us of
that future waiting for us.
You speak your name,
Inscrutable Creator,
and it is enough.
When we try to dictate
our fears to you,
you invite us to follow you
into self-denial and service.
As we struggle to shape
our lifestyle to yours,
you carry us with you
wherever we go.
You speak your good news,
Teacher of open hearts,
and it is enough.
Though we have done
nothing to earn them,
you pour out the gifts
of grace and mercy upon us.
When we stumble
over our lack of trust,
you set us back on our feet,
to follow you into the kingdom.
You speak your peace,
Breath of Holiness,
and it is enough.
God in Community, Holy in One,
it is enough that you hear us
even as we pray as we are taught,
Our Father . . .
Written by Thom Shuman, on his Lectionary Liturgies blog. Re-posted on the re:Worship blog at
Prayer of Confession
Come let us turn to our God,
who is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
Let us pray.
Holy Friend, our God and Saviour,
we have talked much about faith yet have been slow to take its risks,
we have lauded forgiveness yet have been miserly in giving it,
we have praised truth yet have fudged our own integrity,
we have extolled love yet have placed conditions on our loving,
we have urged hope for others yet have ourselves lived like cynics,
we have honoured Christ’s Cross yet have avoided our own.
Most faithful God, please deal with each according to our individual betrayals of the Gospel we espouse. By your Spirit enter the secret caverns of the soul and there expose, judge, counsel, cleanse and reform us. Forgive us repeatedly, we pray, until forgiveness is such a part of us that it may become a way of life as we deal with those around us. In the name of Christ our Redeemer.
Written by Bruce Prewer, posted at
Beloved, go from this place in the love and power of the Triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—to meet your neighbors and yourself with an open heart as we take up our cross and follow Jesus for the sake of the gospel. Amen.
Written by Dr. Lisa Hancock, Discipleship Ministries, September 2023.