Fellowship – Snacks or a Meal (10 minutes with snacks; longer, obviously, if there is a meal).
Gathering Time (5-10 minutes). In pairs or groups of three, have participants discuss these questions: “How do you respond when you are angry? Do you shout? Curse? Throw things? Stew in silence? Calmly express your feelings?”
Group Dialogue (Approximately 30 minutes). Read John 2:13-22.
- Matthew, Mark, and Luke are referred to as the “synoptic” gospels because they are similar in the way they present Jesus’ life and ministry. John is different. The writer of John seems more concerned with theology than chronology. John places the narrative of Jesus going to the temple in Jerusalem and “clearing the temple” early in Jesus’ ministry; whereas, the synoptic gospels place the passage during the last week of Jesus’ earthly life. Why do you suppose the writer of John’s Gospel chose to do this? (The Preaching notes suggest that John’s agenda begins with worship – and having a “right spirit” for worship.)
- Where and when do you normally worship? What helps you feel like you are in a “right spirit” for worship?
- In John 2:16, the New Revised Standard Version quotes Jesus as saying “Stop making my Father’s House a marketplace. The Common English Bible uses the phrase “a place of business.” Eugene Peterson’s paraphrase says, “a shopping mall”.
- Why do you suppose Jesus was so angry?
- Would Jesus turn over the tables of a Christmas mission market in your church? How about the youth group selling tickets to a spaghetti dinner to raise money for their mission trip? What if the youth were selling tickets to a fundraiser for a ski trip?
- What constitutes using the church as a marketplace or a shopping mall?
- In John 2:18, after Jesus drives out the people selling animals for sacrifice and turns over the tables of the money changers, some of the Jewish temple authorities challenge Jesus about showing a “sign” (his prophetic credentials).
- What is Jesus’ response in John 2:19-22?
- How did the temple authorities misunderstand Jesus’ words?
- Do readers of the gospels sometimes misunderstand (or misuse) Jesus’ words today?
- What can help us make decisions about how to read and understand Jesus’ words today?
- In Christian tradition, every Sunday is a celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. How can our worship help raise us from the things in the world that threaten to tear us down? How might we invite others to worship with us and experience the joy of Resurrection?
Prayer (10 minutes). Share prayer requests and respond appropriately.
Sending Forth (2 minutes). End with the following prayer, a similar prayer, or the Lord’s Prayer:
Gracious God, we are thankful for the blessing of being able to worship freely. Help us to turn from those things that distract or demean us and enter worship with a right spirit so that we may be strengthened to serve you.
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Rev. Alecia Curtis Glaize is a United Methodist minister specializing in Christian education. She was educated at Huntingdon College in Montgomery, Alabama, and Claremont School of Theology in Claremont, California. She currently serves as Interim Director of Field Education at Claremont School of Theology and is a volunteer adult Bible study teacher at her church.