
Easter 2019, Part 2 Worship Planning Series

Fifth Sunday in Easter 2019, Year C

This passage begins a collection of passages known as the Farewell Discourse. Jesus is preparing the disciples for a life without his physical presence. More than offering comfort, Jesus is trying to reorient them toward their mission. 

Loving: MARKED over blue background

Articles and Resources


Offertory Prayer

God of Limitless Love: Your love washes over us like ocean waves, powerful and relentless. Your love comes to us in what we see in creation, what we taste in the food that sustains us, what we hear in the words of hope and encouragement that we know is your voice speaking through others. We offer our gifts this morning, hoping that they will used to show the world that we our yours – by our love and not our judgment. May the world know we belong to you by seeing compassion, not condemnation; by seeing love expressed in hope and healing. In Christ, we pray. Amen. (John 13:31-35)

​Graphics Downloads - Fifth Sunday in Easter 2019

8.5 x 11 Bulletin Cover (.jpg) — [Color] [Black & White]

11x17 Bulletin Cover (.jpg) — [Color] [Black & White]

Facebook Cover Image - Marked (.jpg)

Social Promo Image - Marked (.jpg)

Twitter Banner - Marked (.jpg)

16:9 PowerPoint/Projection Images (.jpg) [Background]

4:3 PowerPoint/Projection Images (.jpg) [Background]

Graphics Downloads - Loving Series

Facebook Cover Image - Loving Series (.jpg)

Social Promo Image - Loving Series (.jpg)

Twitter Banner - Loving Series [.jpg]