
Easter 2019, Part 2 Worship Planning Series

Sixth Sunday in Easter 2019, Year C

As disciples, we are all sent into the world to live out the love we have experienced. Embracing the reality that we are all “sent” in some way helps us keep perspective when are tempted to let our hearts be troubled or when we are tempted to give in to fear. There is intentionality in our efforts to keep God’s commandments.

Loving Worship Series: SENT
May 26, 2019

Week 2 – Sent

John 14:23-29

Fellowship – Snacks (10 minutes)

Gathering and Opening (10 minutes). In pairs, discuss the following: “Where do you consider home? What makes a certain place a home?”

Group Dialogue (Approximately 30 minutes)

Read: John 14:23-29

  • What might it mean for the Father and the Son to “make our home” within us? How might this be welcome? How might this be scary?
  • What does it look like to “keep” or “obey” Jesus’ word or teachings (14:23)? How does God’s love necessitate our action?
  • Jesus contrasts the peace he gives with the peace the world gives (14:27). How is the peace that Jesus gives different? How does this peace aid us in not being afraid (14:27)?
  • The title given to the Holy Spirit (Advocate, Counselor, Helper, Friend, Reminder, Convincer) can be translated in various ways. The main idea seems to be one who will be, like Jesus, present with us during difficulties to empower and guide. What does it mean to you that both the risen Christ and the Holy Spirit serve as an advocate (14:16, 26) for you?
  • Our God is a sending God. Throughout the Gospel of John, Jesus notes that he has been “sent” by the Father (John 14:24, etc.). The Father (and the Son) send the Spirit (14:26). As witness of the grace we’ve experienced through the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we too are sent. While this might seem daunting or scary, how does the presence of the Holy Spirit bring comfort to this calling?

Prayer (10 minutes). Share prayer requests and respond appropriately.

Sending Forth (2 minutes). End by praying the following or a similar prayer:

Ever-present God, who continues to be present with us through the Holy Spirit, grant us your abiding presence and peace that, in any circumstance we face, we will be able to trust your empowering grace. Help us to embody the good news of abundant life to all those we encounter this week. Amen.

In This Series...

Fifth Sunday in Easter 2019, Year C — Planning Notes Sixth Sunday in Easter 2019, Year C — Planning Notes Seventh Sunday in Easter 2019, Year C — Planning Notes Pentecost 2019, Year C — Planning Notes


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In This Series...

Fifth Sunday in Easter 2019, Year C — Planning Notes Sixth Sunday in Easter 2019, Year C — Planning Notes Seventh Sunday in Easter 2019, Year C — Planning Notes Pentecost 2019, Year C — Planning Notes