
Easter 2019, Part 2 Worship Planning Series

Sixth Sunday in Easter 2019, Year C

As disciples, we are all sent into the world to live out the love we have experienced. Embracing the reality that we are all “sent” in some way helps us keep perspective when are tempted to let our hearts be troubled or when we are tempted to give in to fear. There is intentionality in our efforts to keep God’s commandments.

Loving: SENT over blue background

Articles and Resources


Offertory Prayer

Source of all good blessings in our lives: We bring you our gifts with joy, but knowing that often our generosity has been regulated by our fears. We live in uncertain times, and we sometimes fear uncertainty, whether our money will last or whether we will find ourselves in need. We admit that we have heard but not heeded the words from your son, “Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” Grant us courage to experience the joy of deep generosity without fear. We pray this in the name of our Risen Savior, who thought the cross was not too great a price to pay for us. Amen. (John 14:23-29)

​Graphics Downloads - Sixth Sunday in Easter 2019

8.5 x 11 Bulletin Cover (.jpg) — [Color] [Black & White]

11x17 Bulletin Cover (.jpg) — [Color] [Black & White]

Facebook Cover Image - Sent (.jpg)

Social Promo Image - Sent (.jpg)

Twitter Banner - Sent (.jpg)

16:9 PowerPoint/Projection Images (.jpg) [Background]

4:3 PowerPoint/Projection Images (.jpg) [Background]

Graphics Downloads - Loving Series

Facebook Cover Image - Loving Series (.jpg)

Social Promo Image - Loving Series (.jpg)

Twitter Banner - Loving Series (.jpg)