Salvation Comes

Easter Season 2018 Worship Planning Series

Fourth Sunday of Easter 2018, Year B

Salvation in the name of Jesus Christ doesn’t always look the way we wish it did. The good news is that the power of Jesus Christ is with us. His spirit resides in us, the body of Christ. His spirit gives us not just power to heal, but to be transformed by the power of love when we proclaim his name and love one another as he loved us. Salvation comes in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.


The service begins with the ringing of a bell or the clamor of a gong.
The pastor stands in the back of the worship space, in front of the choir or musical ensemble, and announces:

Pastor: Alleluia. Christ is risen!
People: The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!

The pastor then leads a procession of all who have been baptized, confirmed, or joined the church by profession of faith within the past year to the front of the worship space, where the baptismal font [and Paschal candle, lit] is located in a central aisle. Their names should be printed in the bulletin or onscreen.

Raised, He’s Been Raised from the Dead AH 4069

AH = The Africana Hymnal

BOW = United Methodist Book of Worship

CCLI = Christian Copyright Licensing International, SongSelect

TFWS = The Faith We Sing (2000)

UMH = United Methodist Hymnal

W&S = Worship & Song (2011)

SOZ = Songs of Zion


Easter Alleluia (st. 1-2) W&S 3088


My Savior Lives CCLI #4882965

Prayer for Illumination

(after “Easter Alleluia”)
Risen Savior, thank you for the living witness
to your saving power in the lives of these
we now name before you:
(List of first names).
Now open the hearts and minds
to the reading of the scriptures,
that all here may know and feel
the fullness of the salvation
found in your name. Amen.

(after “My Savior Lives”)
Jesus, our Savior,
you are the way.
Thank you for showing the way
and being the way
especially for (list of first names).

Speak now to us through these scriptures,
that we may be bold witnesses of salvation
in your name. Amen.


Reading Acts 4:5-12 (NRSV)

Sermon Salvation Comes

Confessing in Song
The deacon, pastor, or others may prepare the Lord’s table, and the regular offering may be collected during the singing.

Bless That Wonderful Name/
Blessed Be the Name (Medley) AH 4008/UMH 63


This I Believe CCLI #7018338


Invitation to the Table UMH 8
Confession, Pardon, and Peace UMH 8

The Great Thanksgiving BOW 66-67


Alleluia. The risen Christ is with us.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Death is conquered! Sin’s power is broken.
Praise to you, Conquering God!

We have seen your glory.
And we are yours!

We are yours, all yours, blessed Triune God,
all our lives, all our thanks, all our praise,
we give it all to you, with all our bodies, and minds, and voices.

Yours, all yours!

Yours the blessing, yours the praise,
from the unimaginable silence before the big bang,
beyond the farthest reaches of time and space our instruments may ever find,
from infinity to infinity, everlasting to everlasting,
you are God, boundless in love and power.

We stand in awe, trembling in the light of your glory!

What are we that you should notice us?
What are we that you should love us?
What are we what you should call us into covenant with you,
a covenant we continually broke,
and you continuously sustained.

Mercy! How full of mercy!

How can we but praise you,
joining our voices with the song of angels and saints,
seraphim and martyrs,
strangers and family in every generation:

Refrain from "God of Wonders" W&S 3034 or CCLI #3118757

then sing to to the same tune
Jesus Christ who comes in our God's name, you are worthy, worthy!
Lamb of God who died and rose again, you are worthy, worthy!
Hosanna now we sing! Hosanna now we sing!

You are holy, O God!

You are worthy, O Christ!

Worthy in your birth! Worthy in your living!
Worthy in your loving! Worthy in your serving!

Worthy when you preached good news
that God's kingdom has drawn near
and gather disciples, then and now, to learn and show the world
what life in God's reign means:
healing for the sick,
new life for the dead,
cleansing for the lepers,
freedom for the possessed,
new birth, new hope, new creation breaking in for all.

Worthy! Worthy! Worthy above all!

Worthy too, the night we betrayed you,
when you took the bread, blessed it and broke it,
and gave it to your disciples.
Worthy when you told them,
"This is my body broken for you. Remember me."
We remember.

Worthy when you took the cup,
praised God and shared it,
and worthy when you said,
"This is my blood of the new covenant for you.
Remember me."
We remember.

And in this season of seasons,
we proclaim above all,
worthy were you when the angels rolled away the stone,
and you came forth from the tomb,
trampling down death by death
and to all in the graves
restoring life.

We remember, and we praise you with our lives.

We remember, and we praise you with our lives
and these gifts of bread and wine,
proclaiming with one voice the mystery of faith:

Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.

Even so, come upon us, Holy Spirit.
Come upon us, Holy Spirit.

Come upon these gifts.
Come upon these gifts.

Make them be for us Christ's body, Christ's blood.
Make us one body in Christ enlivened by his blood.

One in heart, one in mind, one in you, Holy Spirit,
as you move us to pray for the church and the world:

A deacon or worship leader:
That we with Peter and John and all your apostles may proclaim the gospel boldly:
Hear us, O God.

That we may offer your healing for all who are sick, or torn, or weary:
Hear us, O God.

That many dead and left for dead may be raised, and death’s power vanquished:
Hear us, God.

That all who are unclean may receive your cleansing grace:
Hear us, O God.

That all who are possessed, oppressed, distressed, depressed and downcast may be set free at last.
Hear us, O God.

Even so, come and fill this feast, Holy Spirit,
this day, and every day until that day
when we eat it new at the marriage supper of the Lamb
and our Easter rejoicing shall know no end.

All blessing, honor, glory and power
be yours, Holy Triune God,
now and forever.

The pastor breaks the bread in the sight of the people, then serves the servers, one of whom also serves the pastor. The people are then served.

Music During Communion

Broken for Me ZSS 199
O Living God W&S 3089


Christ, We Are Blest W&S 3174


Thanksgiving after Communion

Deacon or Pastor and People:
Triune God,
you have fed us with the body and blood of Christ,
uniting us with you,
filling us with the power that raised Jesus from the dead.
Send us, rejoicing, to declare boldly with Peter,
in hearts, and hands, and voices,
the salvation found in Jesus Christ
now and in the age to come. Amen.


Easter Alleluia (st. 3-5) W&S 3088


Our God’s Alive CCLI #6190356

Deacon or Pastor:
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Go forth to declare salvation in Jesus’ name.
People: Thanks be to God! Alleluia! Alleluia!

In This Series...

Second Sunday of Easter 2018 — Planning Notes Third Sunday of Easter 2018 — Planning Notes Fourth Sunday of Easter 2018 — Planning Notes Fifth Sunday of Easter 2018 — Planning Notes Sixth Sunday of Easter 2018 — Planning Notes Seventh Sunday of Easter 2018 — Planning Notes Pentecost 2018 — Planning Notes


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In This Series...

Second Sunday of Easter 2018 — Planning Notes Third Sunday of Easter 2018 — Planning Notes Fourth Sunday of Easter 2018 — Planning Notes Fifth Sunday of Easter 2018 — Planning Notes Sixth Sunday of Easter 2018 — Planning Notes Seventh Sunday of Easter 2018 — Planning Notes Pentecost 2018 — Planning Notes