February 2025


Left Everything and Followed

Where You Are: Far Horizons

Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C

We are talking about priorities this week. In what do we put our trust? By what scale do we measure our value? This could be a day for a statement of faith to remind us where our allegiance lies.

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Isaiah 6:1-13 UMH Table Head Info The United Methodist Hymnal MVPC Table Head Info Mil Voces Para Celebrar (Spanish) CLUW Table Head Info Come, Let Us Worship (Korean) TFWS Table Head Info The Faith We Sing SOZ Table Head Info Songs of Zion URW Table Head Info Upper Room Worshipbook WSM Table Head Info Worship & Song, Music Edition WSW Table Head Info Worship & Song, Worship Resources Edition SoG Table Head Info Songs of Grace TAH Table Head Info The Africana Hymnal
¡Santo! ¡Santo! ¡Santo! 65
Canticle of the Holy Trinity, Response 80
Day Is Dying in the West 687
Do all the good you can 3117
Faith, While Trees Are Still in Blossom 508 97
Here I Am, Lord (I, the Lord of Sea and Sky) 593 289 263
Holy 2019
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name 79 80
Holy Ground 2272
Holy, Holy 2039
Holy, Holy, Holy 2007
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord 2256
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty 64 4 79
Honor and Praise 2018
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence 626 150 217
O living God 3089
Open the eyes of my heart 3008
Psalm 24 (King James Version) 212
Rule of Life 3117 4056
Send Me, Lord 497 331
Stand Up and Bless the Lord 662 128
The God of Abraham Praise 116 28
The Voice of God Is Calling 436 139
We fall down 3187
We Would See Jesus 256 168
Whom Shall I Send? 582
Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones 90

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Psalm 138 UMH Table Head Info The United Methodist Hymnal MVPC Table Head Info Mil Voces Para Celebrar (Spanish) CLUW Table Head Info Come, Let Us Worship (Korean) TFWS Table Head Info The Faith We Sing SOZ Table Head Info Songs of Zion URW Table Head Info Upper Room Worshipbook WSM Table Head Info Worship & Song, Music Edition WSW Table Head Info Worship & Song, Worship Resources Edition SoG Table Head Info Songs of Grace TAH Table Head Info The Africana Hymnal
Give Thanks 247 2036
Great Is Thy Faithfulness 140 30 81 4011
He Who Began a Good Work in You 2163
In the Lord I'll Be Ever Thankful 2195 381
In Unity We Lift Our Song 2221
Now Thank We All Our God 102
O God Beyond All Praising 2009
Praise Our God Above 2061
Someone Asked the Question 2144
Thank You, Jesus 2081
The King of Love My Shepherd Is 138
The Lord’s My Shepherd, I’ll Not Want 136 115
You Are My Hiding Place 2055

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1 Corinthians 15:1-11 UMH Table Head Info The United Methodist Hymnal MVPC Table Head Info Mil Voces Para Celebrar (Spanish) CLUW Table Head Info Come, Let Us Worship (Korean) TFWS Table Head Info The Faith We Sing SOZ Table Head Info Songs of Zion URW Table Head Info Upper Room Worshipbook WSM Table Head Info Worship & Song, Music Edition WSW Table Head Info Worship & Song, Worship Resources Edition SoG Table Head Info Songs of Grace TAH Table Head Info The Africana Hymnal
Alleluia 186 355
Amazing Grace! How Sweet the Sound 378 203 94 211 4091
Amen, Amen 2072
And Can It Be that I Should Gain 363 206 280
Christ Has Risen 2115
Christ Is Risen! Shout Hosanna! 307
Christ Is Risen, Christ Is Living 313
Christ the Lord Is Risen 2116
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today 302 152 193
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing 400 42 127 92 4086
Cristo Vive, Fuera el Llanto 313
Easter People, Raise Your Voices 304 6
Grace Alone 2162
He Is Lord, He Is Lord! 177 173 233
He Lives 310 149 30
Listen, Sisters! Listen, Brothers! 30
Lord, I Lift Your Name on High 2088 4071
Now the Green Blade Riseth 311
O How I Love Jesus (There Is a Name I Love to Hear) 170 198 36 4020
O Sons and Daughters, Let Us Sing 317
Shout to the Lord 2074
Sing with All the Saints in Glory 702 382
Something Beautiful, Something Good 394 303
The Day of Resurrection 303 188
The Strife Is O’er, the Battle Done 306
The Voice of God Is Calling 436 139
There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood 622
We believe in one God 76
We belong to God, eternal and infinite 79

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Luke 5:1-11 UMH Table Head Info The United Methodist Hymnal MVPC Table Head Info Mil Voces Para Celebrar (Spanish) CLUW Table Head Info Come, Let Us Worship (Korean) TFWS Table Head Info The Faith We Sing SOZ Table Head Info Songs of Zion URW Table Head Info Upper Room Worshipbook WSM Table Head Info Worship & Song, Music Edition WSW Table Head Info Worship & Song, Worship Resources Edition SoG Table Head Info Songs of Grace TAH Table Head Info The Africana Hymnal
Dear Lord and Father of Mankind 358
Faith, While Trees Are Still in Blossom 508 97
Forth in Thy Name, O Lord, I Go 438
God, there are times in our lives 117
Gracious Creator of sea and of land 3161
Here I Am, Lord (I, the Lord of Sea and Sky) 593 289 263
I Can Hear My Savior Calling 338
I Have Decided to Follow Jesus 2129
Jesus Calls Us o’er the Tumult 398 96
Lord of the Dance (I Danced in the Morning) 261 128 170
Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore 344 195 90
O Lord, You Called Disciples 15
O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee 430 315
Rise Up, O Men of God 576
Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow 2096
Send Me, Lord 497 331
The Summons 2130 60
Tú Has Venido a la Orilla 344
Two Fishermen 2101
We will follow 3160
Where He Leads Me 338 42
Whom Shall I Send? 582
Would I Have Answered When You Called 2137
You Satisfy the Hungry Heart 629