From Every Tribe

All Saints Day is observed on November 1, after All Hallows Eve. But most of us celebrate it on the first Sunday in November. We chose the texts assigned to All Saints Day rather than those assigned to this Sunday, the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost. This observance is worth taking the time in worship to give thanks and honor the saints of the church. The founder of the Methodist movement, John Wesley, loved All Saints Day. So, we suggest you take this day and let it stand alone as a celebration of the church that was, the church that is, and the church that will be. You have traditions, no doubt, with which you observe this day. There are those from among you who need to be acknowledged, to be remembered. And yes, there is grief in the recognition of death, but there is also joy in the promise of eternity and the gratitude for the legacy that remains. On this day, we proclaim that we are who we are because of those who have gone before. But we also give thanks for the saints who are still with us; today is a celebration of the life and ministry of the church. We also hold out hope for the vision of the church to be, the church of every nation, all tribes and peoples. It is a celebration of community.

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