Christmas Day

God of the Dark and the Light

Christmas Day, Year A

I love Christmas Day on Sunday. I think it should always be on a Sunday. I think it would be easier to hold on to the “real meaning of Christmas” if it were on a Sunday and the day began not with the frenzy of presents under the tree, but with worship in the family of God. I think that is the way it ought to be.

Opening Call to Worship and Prayer: Seeking Light

In this season of waiting, of longing,
of looking for you to come into our world
We are seeking light

[Light candles]

In our own lives
We are seeking light

In our neighbourhoods
We are seeking light

In our families
We are seeking light

In our work
We are seeking light

In Grace
We are seeking light

In our nation
We are seeking light

In our world
We are seeking light

In… [add your own longings]
We are seeking light

Seek and you shall find
Knock and the door will be opened
Ask and it will be given to you

Jesus Christ you are the light of the world
May we have eyes to see you
And ears to hear you
Come into our world today

From the website of Grace Church in Ealing, London. Reposted:


Loving God,
help us remember the birth of Jesus,
that we may share in the song of the angels,
the gladness of the shepherds,
and worship of the wise men.

Close the door of hate
and open the door of love all over the world.
Let kindness come with every gift
and good desires with every greeting.
Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Christ brings,
and teach us to be merry with clear hearts.

May the Christmas morning make us happy to be thy children,
and Christmas evening bring us to our beds with grateful thoughts,
forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus' sake. Amen.

Attributed to Robert Louis Stevenson,

I Believe: An Affirmation of Faith based on John 1:1-5

Jesus Christ, brother of Light,
I believe.

I believe
that in the beginning was the Promise
and the Promise was with God
and the Promise was God.

I believe
in the infinite, nurturing creativity of God,
in the incarnate, crucified humility of God,
in the intimate, inspiring liberality of God.

Jesus Christ, brother of Light,
I believe.

Written by Bruce Prewer and posted on Bruce Prewer’s Homepage. Reposted:


Come and see!
The light of God has come into our world
to proclaim God’s justice and love;
It has overcome the darkness and brought new life.

Come and follow!
Christ our companion has redeemed our world
He draws us into a loving family
From every tribe and family and culture.

Go and tell!
The Spirit has equipped us for service
To love our neighbours as we do ourselves
To bring God’s salvation to the ends of the earth.

Come and see, come and follow, go and tell!
In God’s Love the nations of the earth will put their hope.

Adapted from a prayer by Christine Sine on Godspace. Posted on the website of the Irricana United Church. Reposted:

In This Series...

Las Posadas, Year A - Lectionary Planning Notes Blue Christmas, Year A - Lectionary Planning Notes Christmas Eve, Year A - Lectionary Planning Notes Christmas Day, Year A - Lectionary Planning Notes Watch Night, Year A - Lectionary Planning Notes New Year's Day, Year A - Lectionary Planning Notes


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In This Series...

Las Posadas, Year A - Lectionary Planning Notes Blue Christmas, Year A - Lectionary Planning Notes Christmas Eve, Year A - Lectionary Planning Notes Christmas Day, Year A - Lectionary Planning Notes Watch Night, Year A - Lectionary Planning Notes New Year's Day, Year A - Lectionary Planning Notes