We Walk in the Light

How Shall We Live

Second Sunday of Easter, Year B

This week, we explore what God is revealing about how we should live. Our worship materials and worship settings can demonstrate the revelation of God through word, song, image, and silence.

Throughout the series, “How Shall We Live?,” the theme can be brought to life with a puppet that “pops” out of where it lives to talk with children about where and how they live.

To prepare for the series, consider purchasing or making a puppet like one of these:

“How to Make a Pop-Up Chick Puppet”

“Peek-a-Boo Squirrel Puppet”

“Fox Pop-Up Puppet” (Etsy)

“How to Make a Groundhog Pop-Up Puppet”

“Panda Pop-Up Puppet” (Amazon)

These materials are designed for use in worship during a five-minute segment where children come forward to interact with a minister (clergy or lay) while the rest of the congregation witnesses the interaction. Please adapt them for your use in a similar setting or transform them for your context.

In addition to the puppet, each week there are suggestions for items that you may want to give to children to take home to remind them of the lesson. There are also objects that you might want to pull out of a bag to reveal as part of the lesson. Before the season begins, choose a bag to use that is opaque. It may be helpful if it zips closed or is tall enough that children won’t be able to see into it if you set it on the floor. Then you can reveal the items inside when you are ready in the lesson.

With each week’s worship moment are a few ideas to expand the experience to a full Sunday school class or other event for children’s participation.

Second Sunday of Easter, Year B

In Week 1, we consider what is revealed when we live in Jesus. For children, concepts like goodness, joy, and love should be prominent. These qualities are most evident when we live together in harmony with one another and Creation.

Before worship:

  • Have the puppet ready.
  • Consider having a bag of objects or pictures of objects from the natural world
  • Gather glittery heart-shaped stickers to give away, one per child

Prompts for the puppet:

Leader/Puppet: Good morning children. This is my puppet, and its name is Star. Why do you think its name is Star? Do you want to ask the puppet?

Children: Why is your name Star? OR I think the name is Star because…

Leader/Puppet: My name is Star because a star gives off light. The light from our closest star, the sun, helps many of us see. What kinds of things do you see around you?

Children: People, hymnals, church, shoes, choir, ...

Leader/Puppet: And what kinds of things do you find in the natural world when you are outside?

Children: Pets, plants, moon, forest, beach, ocean, waterfall, mountains, springs, river, lake, pond, fish, other animals, birds, sky, butterflies, bugs, and so on.

Leader/Puppet: Wow! You all have seen and found a lot of things in the natural world! (Use items in the bag to show objects or pictures as the children name things to demonstrate what they said or to extend their creativity in naming more.) Just as a star gives off light so we can see and understand our surroundings in the dark, our faith can give us ways to see and understand how to live in the world, showing others God’s love. Where do you think you can show God’s love?

Children: At home, at school, at the park.

Leader/Puppet: And how do you show God’s love in those places?

Children: Sharing, being kind, interrupting when someone is being picked on, throwing away our trash and not littering, showing that you care for people by sending a card or calling them or giving them a high five/gift/showing appreciation, caring for someone who is sick, and so on.

Leader/Puppet: Great ideas! Also, (bring out other ideas the children didn’t mention). How does it make you feel when you live like that?

Children: Happy/Good/and so on.

Leader/Puppet: How do you think it makes others feel when you live like that?

Children: Happy/Thankful, and so on.

Leader/Puppet: I’m going to give you each a sparkly heart sticker to wear to show that you are like me (Star), showing how we can all live in harmony.

Repeat-After-Me Prayer for Children:

God of Love,
God of Peace,
God of Joy,
Thank you for showing us how to live.
Teach us to live together in peace (harmony).

Ideas to expand the theme:

  • Tour the churchyard to find objects from the natural world and pray a prayer of thanks for each one.
  • Use glittery stickers on card stock to make cards for elders who are not able to come to church and send them with notes the children dictate or write or a photo taken at church with springtime flowers or plants.
  • Share a snack of star-shaped cereal and talk about how each of us can be like the puppet star and help others understand and experience God’s love.

In This Series...

Second Sunday of Easter, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes Third Sunday of Easter, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes Fourth Sunday of Easter, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes


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In This Series...

Second Sunday of Easter, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes Third Sunday of Easter, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes Fourth Sunday of Easter, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes