Become Known

July 2018 Post-Pentecost Worship Planning Series

Eighth Sunday After Pentecost 2018, Year B

Today’s service focuses on how the news of Jesus’ gospel is spreading through the land. It has reached the ear of King Herod at his court. This week, consider celebrating a reaffirmation of baptism in your church.

BECOME KNOWN | Healing Hands Worship Series, week 3
July 15, 2018

Become Known (Mark 6:13-16)

Keywords: Real Identity. Known to Others. Impact.

Who is John the Baptist? What are the rumors about Jesus, John, and their ministries? How did King Herod respond to the word on the street? How are you and your congregation known in your city, community, and regional area? What impact are you making as followers of Jesus Christ?

Thematically, these words jump out:

  • Truth
  • Envy
  • Power

How was Jesus known to the people? What is the truth about his birth, life, and future?

Stories of healing followed Jesus. John the Baptist declared to all the importance of repentance: change now! John and Jesus offered the world new hope that was different than what King Herod offered.

How did being known impact Jesus and John the Baptist? What power did King Herod exhibit by killing John? Did King Herod believe that beheading John could diminish the authority of Jesus and his disciples?

Sometimes the challenge in Scripture is connecting the passage with current realities. Are there places in your community where you see envy, power, and truth being redirected to create discord? Is “being known” a human condition that leaders are responding to in both positive and negative ways?

This Scripture invited me to ask various questions:

  • What do I do when the sins of envy, hatred, and jealousy are seeking to take control?
  • How am I known? What does it mean to be known as a follower of Jesus Christ?
  • How does repentance look in my daily faith journey?
  • Are there blind spots that cause me to operate as if I were King Herod?
  • See John the Baptist and Jesus as a team. Who is your teammate on this faith journey?

Consider reflecting upon these ideas:

  • Praying about your identity and reputation. What are you known for in your community? How are you sustaining and growing your faith?
  • What is repentance? How is discipleship lived in your congregation? What does sending forth disciples two by two look like in your congregation now?

In This Series...

Sixth Sunday After Pentecost 2018 — Planning Notes Seventh Sunday After Pentecost 2018 — Planning Notes Eighth Sunday After Pentecost 2018 — Planning Notes Ninth Sunday After Pentecost 2018 — Planning Notes Tenth Sunday After Pentecost 2018 — Planning Notes


  • Green

In This Series...

Sixth Sunday After Pentecost 2018 — Planning Notes Seventh Sunday After Pentecost 2018 — Planning Notes Eighth Sunday After Pentecost 2018 — Planning Notes Ninth Sunday After Pentecost 2018 — Planning Notes Tenth Sunday After Pentecost 2018 — Planning Notes