Week 3 – Laity Sunday
Jeremiah 31:27-34; Psalm 119:97-104 or Psalm 19; 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5; Luke 18:1-8
Fellowship – Snacks (10 minutes)
Gathering Time (5-10 minutes). In pairs or groups of three, discuss the following: Name a person, not a pastor, who positively influenced your faith the most.
Read: Luke 18:1-8
- As a group, work to define the word “witness” as it is used in church (as opposed to how the word “witness” is used in legal settings). [For help, think about the Gospel of Luke; consider how the disciples were witnesses to the person and ministry of Jesus.]
- How is the widow a witness for justice? [She articulated her case. She advocated with perseverance, even when the judge refused.]
- How would being a witness against injustice be familiar to everyday life in Israel at the time of Jesus? [Everyday Jews lived under the oppressive and unjust policies of the Romans.]
- What does this parable teach us about God? [Though we pray and nothing may seem to happen as a result, God is a god of justice.]
- What does it mean to be called “of God”? Where do we find our calling? [All Christians, by virtue of their baptisms, are called to love God and love our neighbor.] Read sections 4-8 of the baptismal covenant: https://www.umcdiscipleship.org/resources/the-baptismal-covenant-i (also found in the United Methodist Hymnal). Discuss the baptismal promises and how we can live those out in our everyday lives.
- How is your church being a witness for justice? Why will this call to be a witness for justice be a continual role for the church?
Prayer (10 minutes). Share prayer requests and respond appropriately.
Sending Forth (2 minutes). End by praying the following or similar prayer:
Covenant-keeping God, we thank you that we have been given new life through water and the Spirit. May we walk in the freedom and power that come only from you and live as the redeemed people of God in all that we do and say. Amen.