June 2025


Now That Faith Has Come

Dear Children of God: OMG

Second Sunday after Pentecost, Year C

Today, the surprise of Pentecost and the glory of Trinity Sunday propel us toward…Ordinary Time. This is always the way of it in the liturgical year and in the Christian life, this juxtaposition of extraordinary and mundane, the shocking revelations and the ordinary question of "What do we do now?"

Call to Worship

(inspired by 1 Kings 19: 8-15)

When we long for the special effects we think life should offer:

it is enough, for us, that God comes in a soft, summer shower.

When we our hearts are cracked by the drought of doubt:

it is enough, for us, that God opens up the fountains of faith for us.

When our senses are deadened by the sales pitches of our culture:

it is enough, for us, that God wraps us in the silence of grace.

Written by Thom Shuman, and posted on Lectionary Liturgies. http://lectionaryliturgies.blogspot.ca/. Reposted: https://re-worship.blogspot.com/2013/06/call-to-worship-1-kings-19-8-15.html.

Prayer of Invocation: Be Still

(inspired by 1 Kings 19:8-15, Psalm 46:10, Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41, Luke 8:22-25)

O God who is greater than the most powerful forces in this world,
enable us to be still and know that You are God.

O Lord who answers out of the whirlwind of everyday life,
breathe in us Your Holy Spirit to strengthen, comfort, and guide us in the midst of the storm.

O still, small voice, speak to us this hour
that we might become makers of Your peace
in our homes, in our communities, in our world.
We pray all this in the name of the One who calmed the raging sea. Amen.

Posted on My Redeemer Lives website. http://www.myredeemerlives.com/prayers.html. Reposted: https://re-worship.blogspot.com/2013/06/opening-prayer-be-still.html.

Prayer of Confession

(inspired by 1 Kings 19)

O God, sometimes the journey is too much;
we can’t go on, and we complain that we are all alone.
Nobody cares, not even you.
Our strength is gone, and we are ready to give up.
In those times,
when we are consumed with self-pity
and convinced there is no hope,
send your Spirit into our hearts to remind us of your sustaining grace.
Strengthen us at your Table and by the daily claiming of our baptism,
so we may go confidently on our journeys,
carrying out the mission you have given us.
Through Christ we pray. Amen.

Written by Dr. Tom Cheatham, a minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA). He blogs at The Connection blog. http://theconnection08.wordpress.com/. Reposted: https://re-worship.blogspot.com/2013/06/confession-1-kings-19.html.

Prayer of Confession

We come seeking God in mighty earthquakes.
We come listening for God in resounding thunder.
We come expecting God in sweeping victories.
Yet God is found in a baby's touch.
Yet God speaks in silence.
Yet God is found in the least of these.
Save us, O God, from our aimless wandering.
Save us, O God, from our idols.
Save us, O God, from our self-induced chaos.
God, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Assurance of Pardon

Hear the good news of God's love for us;
not in the earthquake, not in the storms, not in the mighty deeds
but in the silence, in the gentle touch, in the quiet rain
God says,
"You are my Beloved. I love you."

Written by Katherine Hawker (1995), and posted on Liturgies Outside. http://liturgyoutside.net/CPr5.html. Reposted: https://re-worship.blogspot.com/2013/06/prayer-of-confession-1-kings-19.html.


Now may we who have been put into our right minds, and clothed with compassion and grace, return to our homes and declare –
declare what God has done and is doing in your life
declare the healing at work in us
declare the promise of community and of life.
May we go to declare that God is at work, and we are the sign.
May we go to live a declaration.
May we go with God.

Rev. Dr. Derek C. Weber, Discipleship Ministries, 2021.

In This Series...

Pentecost, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Trinity Sunday, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Second Sunday after Pentecost, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Third Sunday after Pentecost, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes


  • Green

In This Series...

Pentecost, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Trinity Sunday, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Second Sunday after Pentecost, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Third Sunday after Pentecost, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes