Is Anything Too Wonderful?

The Path of the Disciple: The Weight of the Call

Third Sunday after Pentecost, Year A

What incredible, almost impossible-to-believe event has happened in your community? What stretched your understanding of God at work in the world? What blew your mind with wonder and joy? Grab hold of that today and celebrate the goodness of God at work in your midst.

Color: Green

Primary Themes: family, mission/ministry beyond the sanctuary, The Trinity, Holy Spirit, dove, gold unadorned cross, brokenness, images of the earth/world/creation, praying hands, disciples

Week 3: Matthew 10:24-39, "Hear All The People"


“I Lift Up My Hands” Zion Still Sings, 5

“Father, I Love You” Israel Houghton Ricardo Sanchez


“Lord, Listen to Your Children” TFWS 2207


One: In a day when so many men are absent, we cherish the love of our fathers.

Many: Thank God for fathers who comfort and encourage.

One: Thank God for fathers who build character and inspire us to greatness.

Many: Thank God for fathers who teach morality and model decency.

One: Thank God for fathers who lovingly convince boys to become men.

Many: Thank God for brave fathers who have the courage to resist being absent.

ALL: Lord, on this Father’s Day, may we encourage more men in our community to pick up the mantle of fatherhood!

Written by Kwasi L. Kena, The Africana Worship Book: Year A, p. 209. © 2006 Discipleship Resources. Used by permission.

In This Series...

Trinity Sunday, Year A - Lectionary Planning Notes Second Sunday After Pentecost, Year A - Lectionary Planning Notes Third Sunday After Pentecost, Year A - Lectionary Planning Notes Fourth Sunday After Pentecost, Year A - Lectionary Planning Notes