
Post-Pentecost 2018 Worship Planning Series

Third Sunday After Pentecost 2018, Year B

What we have the power to do in our season of “Why?” is exactly what Samuel and God did. We can pray, processing what we’re seeing before the face of the Almighty. We can hear God’s word for us in the face of our “Why?”. We can hear God reminding us of our role, and God’s, in the midst of our situations. And maybe we can sense God reminding us that God still has good work for us to do...

Why - Transitions Worship Series flag over an image of a bible and crown on a background of weathered wood

The worship space should be arranged as if it is in a period of construction throughout this series, culminating with the finishing of the space on Week 5.

For this week, the pulpit returns to the worship space, or, if it could not be moved last week, may be used this week.

The service for today is built on the model of an early twentieth-century Methodist preaching service (1905 Methodist Hymnal). The pastor (“minister” in 1905 language) may take a more active role than last week. We recommend that a child (trained and capable of reading aloud well) read the Scriptures throughout the rest of this series. If the pastor is absent (as will be the case in some places because of annual conference), a layperson may preach and offer the final blessing using the appropriate modifications as noted.

On screen as people enter, or in a printed bulletin at the very top of the service order, these words should appear:

Let all our services begin exactly at the time appointed, and let all our people kneel in silent prayer on entering the sanctuary.

Voluntary (Prelude)

Singing from The Methodist Hymnal (the people standing)
All Praise to Our Redeeming Lord” UMH 554
Blessed Assurance” UMH 369


Blessed Assurance” (My King Is Coming) CCLI #6527149

The Apostles Creed
(recited by all, still standing)

I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again;
he ascended into heaven,
is seated at the right hand of the Father,
and will come again to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.

AH = The Africana Hymnal

BOW = United Methodist Book of Worship

CCLI = Christian Copyright Licensing International, SongSelect

TFWS = The Faith We Sing (2000)

UMH = United Methodist Hymnal

W&S = Worship & Song (2011)

SOZ = Songs of Zion

Prayer Collect for the Day (Thematic 1)

The Lord’s Prayer (repeated audibly by all, both minister and people kneeling)

Psalm 138 UMH 853

Gloria Patri UMH 70

Scripture for the Day 1 Samuel 8:4-11, (12-15), 16-20

Worship in the Presentations of Tithes and Offerings

Offertory Song

“O for a Heart to Praise My God” UMH 417
“Broken Vessels” (Amazing Grace) CCLI #7019974

The Sermon Why?

Prayers of the People (the people kneeling)

BOW 571 or TFWS 2201
CCLI #7039048

Singing from the Methodist Hymnal
Invitation to Christ or to Join with the Church
Come Ye Sinners” UMH 340
“Come Ye Sinners” CCLI #7035184

Doxology and Benediction

“Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow” UMH 94


New Doxology CCLI #5075025
Pastor or Lay Leader (wording for Lay Leader noted in parentheses):
We all face transitions
we do not want,
that we know may not be for the best,
but we cannot avoid.

In every transition,
even those we cannot stand,
God’s saving love for us and all creation

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
and the love of God,
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit,
be with you (us) and remain with you (us) always. Amen.


In This Series...

Trinity Sunday 2018 — Planning Notes Second Sunday After Pentecost 2018 — Planning Notes Third Sunday After Pentecost 2018 — Planning Notes Fourth Sunday After Pentecost 2018 — Planning Notes Fifth Sunday After Pentecost 2018 — Planning Notes