The Lenten season offers musicians myriad resources for solos, ensembles, and choirs. Since this series is focused on embracing the Resurrected One with a whole heart, we will look at hymns and modern songs that point us in that direction. Lent gives us space to clean house and to receive the one we call Lord. And, although Lent can be an intense time as we lean into some of the more somber moments of Jesus’ life, we must also hold in counterpoint the joy and hope that our congregations need to hear on the journey. During Lent, we have the opportunity to claim the life that Christ teaches and lives out before us. As you plan music for your worship services, find the tension between what is and the promise of what will be.
Fifth Sunday in Lent – Written on the Heart
March 21, 2021 – Jeremiah 31:31-34
- “God is so Good,” Songs of Zion, 231, often sung as a response.
- “Give Me a Clean Heart,” Songs of Zion, 183/The Faith We Sing, 2133
- “Come, Let Us Use the Grace Divine” The United Methodist Hymnal #606
- A modern worship song to consider is “I Give You my Heart,”