Greater Things Worship Series: BEING NEEDY
Third Sunday After the Epiphany — January 27, 2019
Planning for this Series
The third week in our series is “Being Needy.” Conventionally, the idea of being needy has negative connotations. However, we’d like to look at the idea of being needy from a different perspective: we need one another. Just as God arranged the members of our bodies, so God arranged the members of our communities. So this week, we put a positive spin on being needy.
In worship, concentrate on the idea of “one-bodyness,” as Taylor Burton-Edwards described it. If you celebrate Communion each week, this is a great example of one-bodyness. Focusing on the one-bodyness of your congregation will help you as you look forward to the next series, #SeeAllThePeople, where the congregation is meant to get out of the church and into the community. But this week, continue to focus on the gathered congregation. Lift up gifts that complement one another. Make plans to use those gifts.