See All the People Worship Series: THE PRESSING CROWD
Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany — February 10, 2019
Planning for this Series
As you plan worship for this #SeeAllThePeople series, you will have to keep two things in mind. The first is the purpose of worship: for the gathered Christian community to praise and glorify our Triune God. The second is the focus of the series: to see beyond the walls of your church to the people all around you. In planning worship, be sure to balance these two foci. Your prayers, songs, and sermon can witness to the power and might of God while also proclaiming that we are sent people with a mission from Jesus Christ. Try balancing your music: program songs that focus on God’s actions and songs that speak to our mission. Hymns such as “Here I am, Lord” (UMH 593), “Lord, Whose Love Through Humble Service,” (UMH 581) or “Sois la Semilla” (UMH 583), would make good theme hymns for this series.
Because this series is based on our current #SeeAllThePeople campaign, you’ll be able to find many complementary resources. Start with the #SeeAllThePeople website for resources and downloads to be sure that this worship series goes beyond your Sunday service. Perhaps this series can lead up to new way of inviting people into your church for Ash Wednesday, Lent, and Easter Sunday. If you want to use this series to launch an intentional discipleship system, Lent is a wonderful and historical time to start.