The Inheritance of God Worship Series: THE INHERITANCE OF ATTENTIVENESS
June 23, 2019
Week 2 – The Inheritance of Attentiveness
Fellowship – Snacks (10 minutes)
Gathering and Opening (10 minutes). In pairs or groups of three, discuss the following: “Do you find silence awkward or uncomfortable, or welcome? Why?”
Group Dialogue (Approximately 30 minutes). Before reading the passage, take two minutes of silence. Read: 1 Kings 19:1-4, (5-7), 8-15a Following the passage take another two minutes of silence.
- Did observing silence before reading the passage aid in your attentiveness to the passage? How so?
- Read or summarize 1 Kings 18. How did the events of 1 Kings 18 setup 1 Kings 19? [Explains Jezebel’s seeking for revenge and Elijah’s terror, need to flee, and his feelings of depression and aloneness.]
- Do you find it surprising how God encounters Elijah in a still small voice (19:12)? Why or why not?
- Why do we find it so hard to be still?
- How is being intentionally attentive God connected with the ability to be intentionally attentive to others?
- If worship is ascribing worth to and being attentive to God, what might this passage say about our worship?
- How is being attentive to God risky? [We might hear rebuke, challenge, or the need to change something in our lives.]
- How can your church be more attentive to God?
Prayer (10 minutes). Share prayer requests and respond appropriately.
Sending Forth (2 minutes). Before ending in prayer, spend at least one minute in silence:
Ever-present God, when we truly encounter your presence, we experience both comfort and overwhelming awe. May we take time to be attentive to your presence and to your call to love others as we are loved by You. Give us the eyes to see your grace in our encounters, the ears to hear of your Good News among us, the voice to speak your truth, and the hands to serve you. Amen.