Week 4

Season After Pentecost, Part 2 Worship Planning Series

Eighth Sunday After Pentecost 2019, Year C

“Be on guard against all kinds of greed; for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.” Depending on where you sit on the great divide between wealth and poverty, this statement from our Lord and Savior may strike you as good news, or as condemnation. As a member of a middle class, two-income, American family, I find I must take Jesus’ words as a harsh criticism of my lifestyle. I must confess that like many people in my situation, my life is characterized by my abundance of possessions.

Living As Disciples Worship Series: WEEK 4
August 4, 2019

Week 4: Living as Disciples – The Love Never Stops Here

Luke 12:13-32

Fellowship – Snacks (10 minutes)

Gathering Time (5-10 minutes). In pairs or groups of three, discuss: “What do you collect and why?”

Optional exercise: Break into the groups from the end of last week’s session. Give a report regarding the people whom participants prayed for during the week. Discuss: “What went well? What did you learn?”

Group Dialogue (Approximately 30 minutes)

Read: Luke 12:13-32

  • Who does the man in the parable address in verse 17? [Himself.] Who, then, does the man not consider? [God and God’s guidance.]
  • What difference, if at all, does it make if we read verses 29 and 30 more literally? That is to say, read those verses, making each of the second person pronouns (you) to read “you all” (or y’all)? Read the verse again and discuss.
  • Read the following passages: Matthew 6:19-25; Mark 10:21-26; Luke 12:15. What do we learn from these passages (and others) about wealth and trusting God? [Wealth is not a sign of success and, in fact, it can be a hinderance to living an abundant life.]
  • When is something merely a possession and when is a possession a thing that possesses us? Can our religiosity become a thing that possesses us? [We can live for God or merely be satisfied by the things about God.]
  • In groups of two or three, discuss options for the group or individuals to practice generous stewardship. What are mission opportunities that are in need of funds locally? Across the United Methodist connection? (If unsure, check the resources below – The Advance.)

Prayer (10 minutes). Share prayer requests and respond appropriately.

Sending Forth (2 minutes). End by praying the following together:

You have created us to be more than recipients of your love. Rather, we have been created in your self-giving image. Work your grace in us, so that we might be vessels of your love, mercy, and grace that we might be disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Amen.

Additional Resources

Free PDF Booklets from Discipleship Ministries:

A Guide to Prayer: Minding Your Call https://gbod-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/legacy/kintera-files/about-gbod/UR_GuideToPrayer.pdf

The Quiet Center: An Excerpt from What We Need Is Here: Practicing the Heart of Christian Spirituality by Roger Owens https://gbod-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/legacy/kintera-files/about-gbod/UR_QuietCenter.pdf

The Way of Radical Compassion: An Excerpt from Practicing Compassion by Frank Rogers Jr. https://gbod-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/legacy/kintera-files/about-gbod/UR_WayOfRadicalCompassion.pdf


Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home by Richard J. Foster


Discipleship Ministries, www.umcdiscipleship.org

See All the People, https://www.seeallthepeople.org/

The Advance through Global Ministries, https://advance.umcmission.org/

In This Series...

Fifth Sunday After Pentecost 2019, Year C - Planning Notes Sixth Sunday After Pentecost 2019, Year C - Planning Notes Seventh Sunday After Pentecost 2019, Year C - Planning Notes Eighth Sunday After Pentecost 2019, Year C - Planning Notes


  • Green

In This Series...

Fifth Sunday After Pentecost 2019, Year C - Planning Notes Sixth Sunday After Pentecost 2019, Year C - Planning Notes Seventh Sunday After Pentecost 2019, Year C - Planning Notes Eighth Sunday After Pentecost 2019, Year C - Planning Notes