Week 1

Season After Pentecost, Part 2 Worship Planning Series

Fifth Sunday After Pentecost 2019, Year C

I think that often when we read the parable of the Good Samaritan we miss the point of the story. In the parable, when the lawyer (who was not a lawyer like we think of a lawyer, but really more like a seminary professor or highly educated clergyperson) correctly identifies the Samaritan as the neighbor, Jesus responds with the words, “That is the right answer; do this and you will live.”

Living as Disciples: Silhouette of disciples

Articles and Resources

Offertory Prayer

God of compassion and mercy, we remember Jesus’ parable of the Samaritan, who came upon a man beaten and bleeding and felt compassion and gave him care. From this parable, we use the name “Samaritan” for an act of compassion or a good deed, missing the point that what you would have us see was not a deed or act but a whole way of living. In the same way, you long for not the act of our offerings, but a life lived giving ourselves selflessly for others. We know you can transform acts of giving into lives of giving, and we pray that boldly in the name of Jesus, who gave all. Amen. (Luke 10:25-37)

Graphics Downloads – Living as Disciples Series

8.5 x 11 Bulletin Cover (.jpg) — [Color] [Black & White]

11x17 Bulletin Cover (.jpg) — [Color] [Black & White]

Facebook Cover Image – Living as Disciples (.jpg)

Social Promo Image – Living as Disciples (.jpg)

Twitter Banner – Living as Disciples (.jpg)

16:9 PowerPoint/Projection Images (.jpg) – [Title] [Slide]

4:3 PowerPoint/Projection Images (.jpg) – [Title] [Slide]