February 2025


Rejoice in that Day

Where You Are: Far Horizons

Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C

We are familiar with the Beatitudes, Matthew’s version of these sayings from Jesus. We aren’t as well versed in the Sermon on the Plain, which is our text for this week.

Call to Worship

Jesus declared, “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.”

May we learn to depend on God’s abundant provision instead of the world’s grasping for wealth as we worship today.

Jesus declared, “Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you will be filled.”

May we learn to follow Christ’s call to provide for the hungry as co-creators of God’s kingdom as we worship today.

Jesus declared, “Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.”

May we learn to pay attention to those who suffer and mourn and to extend God’s comfort and hope to those who need it as we worship today.

Jesus declared, “Blessed are you when people hate you and when they exclude you, revile you, and defame you on account of the Son of Man.”

May our worship teach us to rejoice in that day and every day as we live out the good news in our families, neighborhoods, community, and world!

Written by Dr. Lisa Hancock, Discipleship Ministries, August 2024.

Opening Prayer

Compassionate God,
we recognize that our world is a broken place,
hurt by poverty, famine, and disease.
We admit that sometimes we make the world a broken place,
tolerating prejudice, conflict, and self-interest.
We confess that our hearts also suffer with anger,
Resentment, and jealousy.

Renew us in Your love, O God,
and heal us with the comfort of Your abundant love.
Awaken us to the role we can play in healing Your creation.
Strengthen us through the power of the Holy Spirit
to hear Your word and move forward in faith. Amen.

Written by Gill Le Fevre. Posted on the re:Worship blog at https://re-worship.blogspot.com/2019/02/opening-prayer-luke-6-17-26.html.

Prayer of Confession

Merciful Lord, we pause to confess that sometimes we listen to the advice of the ungodly. We know better, but for some reason, we listen anyway. Forgive us. The lure of a quick fix, easy money, or pleasure turned our heads away from you, Lord. Forgive us. We knew it was wrong as soon as we did it, but pride kept us from backing out of our decision. Forgive us. Teach us the joy of being righteous. Show us how to delight in being holy. Remind us that new life in Christ means new thoughts, new ways, new decisions. Forgive us for failing to trust you in all things. Amen.

Written by Kwasi Kena in The Africana Worship Book, Year C (Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 2008), 144.


Beloved, go today in the blessing of Christ, who calls you, equips you, and accompanies you as you live out God’s justice and joy wherever you go! Amen.

Written by Dr. Lisa Hancock, Discipleship Ministries, August 2024.