Somos del Señor – Consider Your Call
Fellowship – Snacks (10 minutes)
Gathering Time (5-10 minutes). In pairs or groups of three, have participants respond to the following question: “What is the most foolish thing you have done (that you are willing to share with the group)?”
Read: 1 Corinthians 1:18-31
- In what ways is the cross “foolishness” to the world? [Our culture tends to exalt the use of power and independence. Additionally, we tend to see vulnerability as a weakness. The cross upholds the surrender of power, the virtue of surrender to God. Vulnerability and weakness are not looked down upon but embraced. The cross exalts an ethic that includes loving enemies and humility.]
- In what ways do we experience the cross of Christ as the power of God? [It is through the power of the cross that we experience the true power of sacrifice and vulnerability; we begin to see humility and serving are the greatest virtues in the family of God. The ultimate example is us – that God uses the likes of us (v. 21) to proclaim the good news and be part of the salvation of others. While this might have especially applied to the early church, as most came from the lowest of social classes, it applies to us as well.]
- Who doesn’t like to be chosen first for the team? Who doesn’t like positive attention for the right reason? How does Paul challenge what it means to be part of the chosen people of God? [Our intelligence or lack thereof, our athletic ability or lack thereof, our status or lack thereof, are irrelevant factors in being part of the people of God. In fact, they can stand in the way of being dependent upon God’s grace.]
- What does it say about God that God’s plan includes the power of the cross? [God’s ways are not our ways. God chooses the meek and humble to become the greatest. This serves to show-off God’s glory and transformative power.]
- How does it feel to know that you, as part of the baptized believers, are one of God’s chosen?
Prayer (10 minutes). Share prayer requests and respond appropriately.
Sending Forth (2 minutes). End by praying the following or similar prayer:
God of the elect, we are thankful to be included in being participants of your elect community. We are amazed that despite our inadequacies, you call us, you empower us, you strengthen us to be more than we thought we would ever be. Much as a caterpillar turns into a rising butterfly, this transformation often takes place without our noticing. Give us the eyes to see the people around us who need to hear that they too are part of the chosen people of God. Amen.