
The Apostle’s Tale — Series Overview

Eighth Sunday After Pentecost, Year A

On this third week of our series, Paul reminds us that even though we sin and fall short of the glory of God, and even though God calls us to join in the groaning of creation and to enter fully into the suffering of the world on behalf of others, God does not abandon us in this work. The good news of Jesus Christ is that God is with us every step of the way.

The Apostle's Tale: INTERCESSION

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​Offertory Prayer

Majestic God, we are amazed that you count us among your children. You have adopted us as brothers and sisters of Christ your Son. Open our eyes to see every human being as your beloved child. Send your Spirit to guide us to live as citizens of your heavenly kingdom. Let our church embody a generous way of giving to others in this world, which will one day be conformed to your reign. We ask this for the sake of Jesus, our risen Savior. Amen. (Matthew 13)

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