
The Apostle’s Tale — Series Overview

Ninth Sunday After Pentecost, Year A

Today is about that solid ground of God’s promises for us, especially when we may not see them fulfilled even in our lifetimes. Just as God has formed a covenant with the people of Israel for their salvation and mission in the world, God has just as surely covenanted with all people, Jewish and Gentile alike, who turn to Christ as Savior and commit their way to him as Lord. As dystopian and toxic as this world may seem or be, the promise of complete salvation for us and renewal of all things in creation abides.

The Apostle's Tale: PROMISE

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​Offertory Prayer

August 6, 2017–Ninth Sunday After Pentecost

O Lord, our God, your wisdom is beyond our understanding. You are the source of all goodness. Yet we chase after things of this world that do not satisfy. We spend our money foolishly and wonder why we still hunger in spirit. Thank you for patiently calling us to trust you with our whole heart. Refresh us by your Holy Spirit so that we may lead others to you. We give these offerings in the name of Jesus Christ, who multiplied the loaves and fish so that everyone had more than their fill. Amen. (Isaiah 55:1-5)

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