What would St. Paul text? Something clever, profound, and to the point, no doubt. Some of the writings of Paul or attributed to Paul in the New Testament are some of the most eloquent and beautiful prose in all of scripture. But it was all about getting the point across, about arguing for faith and inviting the reader or hearer to a deeper experience of the risen Christ. So, what are those core elements, those essentials that would bring the desired outcome? What would Paul text to open the conversation and get readers to claim the faith he presents? That’s what we hope becomes clear as we engage in the conversation we call “Dear Children of God.”
- TFWS: The Faith We Sing
- W&S: Worship and Song
- UMH: United Methodist Hymnal
Music Notes
- Of All the Spirit’s Gifts to Me UMH 336
- Holy Spirit, Truth Divine UMH 465
- Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) W&S 3104
- Healer of Our Every Ill TFWS 2213
- Rule of Life W&S 3117