#ThreeSteps in a Christian's Walk: STEP OUT...Into Faith
Resources and Articles
- 21st Century Africana Worship Resources for the Tenth Sunday After Pentecost, Year A
- Psalm 105
- Litany of Faith Based on Psalm 85
- Only Trust Him
- We Call on the Name of the Lord: 21st Century Resource for the Season After Pentecost
- Book of Romans, Sermon Starters—Week 11
- Love Lifted Me (Contemporary Version)
- The Great Thanksgiving for the Season After Pentecost (Ordinary Time or Kingdomtide)
Labor Day (September 4, 2017)
- A Service of Holy Communion for Labor Day
- A Blessing for Workers and All Seeking Work
- For Those Who Work
- O Carpenter of Nazareth
Offertory Prayer
August 13, 2017 – Tenth Sunday After Pentecost
God of peace, you are kind and generous to all who seek you. You are the Good Shepherd of a vast flock. But we can be like stubborn sheep, showing favoritism like Jacob or struggling with jealousy like Joseph’s brothers. Help us to turn away from the competition for more. Incline our hearts to compassion for our neighbors so that we will give freely from what we have received. We pray this through Christ our Lord, who loves each sheep and seeks each one that is lost. Amen. (Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28)
View all August 2017 offertory prayers »
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