The Apostle's Tale: PROMISE
BOW - The United Methodist Book of Worship
CLUW - Come, Let Us Worship (Korean)
MVPC - Mil Voces Para Celebrar (Spanish)
SOZ - Songs of Zion
TFWS - The Faith We Sing
UMH - The United Methodist Hymnal
URW - Upper Room Worshipbook
WSM - Worship & Song, Music Edition
WSW - Worship & Song, Worship Resources Edition
SoG - Songs of Grace
Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28 | UMH | MVPC | CLUW | TFWS | SOZ | URW | WSM | WSW | SoG |
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God |
110 |
25 |
271 |
All My Hope Is Firmly Grounded |
132 |
Be Still, My Soul |
534 |
307 |
By Gracious Powers So Wonderfully Sheltered |
517 |
Children of the Heavenly Father |
141 |
335 |
Give to the Winds Thy Fears |
129 |
282 |
God of Love and God of Power |
578 |
Help Us Accept Each Other |
560 |
253 |
Here I Am, Lord |
593 |
289 |
263 |
If It Had Not Been for the Lord |
2053 |
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty |
139 |
29 |
68 |
63 |
The First Song of Isaiah |
2030 |
We Shall Overcome |
533 |
140 |
127 |
When Cain Killed Abel |
2135 |
When Our Confidence Is Shaken |
505 |
You Are My Hiding Place |
2055 |
Psalm 105:1-6, 16-22, 45b | UMH | MVPC | CLUW | TFWS | SOZ | URW | WSM | WSW | SoG |
All People That on Earth Do Dwell |
75 |
118 |
Children of the Heavenly Father |
141 |
335 |
Give Thanks |
247 |
2036 |
Great Is the Lord |
2022 |
Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise |
103 |
74 |
In the Lord I’ll Be Ever Thankful |
2195 |
381 |
O God Beyond All Praising |
2009 |
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty |
139 |
29 |
68 |
63 |
Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven |
66 |
75 |
Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart (Marion) |
160 |
130 |
Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart (Vineyard Haven) |
161 |
Seek the Lord Who Now Is Present |
124 |
We Sing to You, O God |
2001 |
293 |
Romans 10:5-15 | UMH | MVPC | CLUW | TFWS | SOZ | URW | WSM | WSW | SoG |
At the Name of Jesus Every Knee Shall Bow |
168 |
By grace we have been saved |
3110 |
Child of Blessing, Child of Promise |
611 |
232 |
Forward Through the Ages |
555 |
God Is So Good |
2056 |
231 |
He Came Down |
2085 |
He Is Lord, He Is Lord! |
177 |
173 |
233 |
Here I Am, Lord |
593 |
289 |
263 |
Here, O Lord, Your Servants Gather |
552 |
251 |
How Shall They Hear the Word of God |
649 |
I Know Whom I Have Believed (I Know Not Why God’s Wondrous Grace) |
714 |
290 |
I Love to Tell the Story |
156 |
56 |
Will Call upon the Lord |
2002 |
In Christ There Is No East or West |
548 |
65 |
Into My Heart |
2160 |
Let Us Plead for Faith Alone |
385 |
Many Gifts, One Spirit |
114 |
212 |
O For a Heart to Praise My God |
417 |
O God Beyond All Praising |
2009 |
O How He Loves You and Me |
2108 |
One Bread, One Body |
620 |
324 |
237 |
Only Trust Him |
337 |
Please Enter My Heart, Hosanna |
2154 |
Since Jesus Came into My Heart |
2140 |
Spirit of Faith, Come Down |
332 |
219 |
We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations |
569 |
You Have Put On Christ |
609 |
Matthew 14:22-33 | UMH | MVPC | CLUW | TFWS | SOZ | URW | WSM | WSW | SoG |
Cares Chorus |
2215 |
Come Away with Me |
2202 |
59 |
Dear Lord and Father of Mankind |
358 |
Eternal Father, Strong to Save |
2191 |
Give to the Winds Thy Fears |
129 |
282 |
Glory to God, and Praise and Love |
58 |
Here I Am, Lord |
593 |
289 |
263 |
I Sought the Lord, and Afterward I Knew |
341 |
I’m So Glad Jesus Lifted Me |
2151 |
Jesus, Lover of My Soul |
479 |
Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me |
509 |
49 |
Lonely the Boat, Sailing at Sea |
476 |
Mil Voces Para Celebrar |
59 |
O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing (Azmon’s Ghost) |
3001 |
O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing (Azmon) |
57 |
1 |
226 |
O Sing a Song of Bethlehem |
179 |
Precious Lord, Take My Hand |
474 |
309 |
179 |
Serenity |
499 |
Stand By Me |
512 |
41 |
Sweet Hour of Prayer |
496 |
248 |
330 |
Wade in the Water |
2107 |
When Our Confidence Is Shaken |
505 |
When the Storms of Life Are Raging |
512 |
41 |
You Are Mine |
2218 |