Sent Out to Live

Worship with Rejoicing

Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B

If you got to last week and thought that must be the last week of this series since it focused on benediction—SURPRISE! The benediction isn’t the end of worship—nor is it the end of this series—because worship does not end when the gathered Body of Christ disperses.

1 Kings 8:(1,6,10-11), 22-30, 41-43, NIRV

1 Kings 8:1, NIRV

The Ark Is Brought to the Temple

8 Then King Solomon sent for the elders of Israel. He told them to come to him in Jerusalem. They included all the leaders of the tribes. They also included the chiefs of the families of Israel. Solomon wanted them to bring up the ark of the Lord’s covenant from Zion. Zion was the City of David.

1 Kings 8:6, NIRV

6 The priests brought the ark of the Lord’s covenant law to its place in the Most Holy Room of the temple. They put it under the wings of the cherubim.

1 Kings 8:10-11, NIRV

10 The priests left the Holy Room. Then the cloud filled the temple of the Lord. 11 The priests couldn’t do their work because of it. That’s because the glory of the Lord filled his temple.

1 Kings 8:22-30, NIRV

Solomon Prays to Set the Temple Apart to the Lord

22 Then Solomon stood in front of the Lord’s altar. He stood in front of the whole community of Israel. He spread out his hands toward heaven. 23 He said,

“Lord, you are the God of Israel. There is no God like you in heaven above or on earth below. You keep the covenant you made with us. You show us your love. You do that when we follow you with all our hearts. 24 You have kept your promise to my father David. He was your servant. With your mouth you made a promise. With your powerful hand you have made it come true. And today we can see it.

25 “Lord, you are the God of Israel. Keep the promises you made to my father David. Do it for him. He was your servant. Here is what you said to him. ‘A son from your family line will sit before me on the throne of Israel. This will always be true if your children after you are careful in everything they do. They must live in my sight faithfully the way you have lived.’ 26 God of Israel, let your promise to my father David come true.

27 “But will you really live on earth? After all, the heavens can’t hold you. In fact, even the highest heavens can’t hold you. So this temple I’ve built certainly can’t hold you! 28 But please pay attention to my prayer. Lord my God, be ready to help me as I make my appeal to you. Listen to my cry for help. Hear the prayer I’m praying to you today. 29 Let your eyes look toward this temple night and day. You said, ‘I will put my Name there.’ So please listen to the prayer I’m praying toward this place. 30 Hear me when I ask you to help us. Listen to your people Israel when they pray toward this place. Listen to us from heaven. It’s the place where you live. When you hear us, forgive us.

1 Kings 8:41-43, NIRV

41 “Suppose there are outsiders who don’t belong to your people Israel. And they have come from a land far away. They’ve come because they’ve heard about your name. 42 When they get here, they will find out even more about your great name. They’ll hear about how you reached out your mighty hand and powerful arm. So they’ll come and pray toward this temple. 43 Then listen to them from heaven. It’s the place where you live. Do what those outsiders ask you to do. Then all the nations on earth will know you. They will have respect for you. They’ll respect you just as your own people Israel do. They’ll know that your Name is in this house I’ve built.

New International Reader's Version (NIRV). Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998, 2014 by Biblica, Inc.®. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.


Worship – to give honor, hope, praise, and glory to God


Today, we complete our definition of the word worship as our summer spent learning how to worship God is ending. We have learned that we can worship God in all places and in all spaces. Throughout this summer, we have learned that we should worship God in all times and places, including during a church worship service. We learned that we can and should worship God all day, every day. One last time, will you say the definition of worship with me? (Recite the definition together with children in unison.) Worship – to give honor, hope, praise, and glory to God. What does the word glory mean to you? (Allow children to answer.) The word glory means to recognize God’s greatness. Where do you see the greatness of God in your life?

The glory of God fills our world. Isn’t it amazing that when we obey God, we also find our greatest happiness? We worship, so that God can continue to teach us how to live.

Christians worship by giving honor and respect to God. Worship provides hope to cling to when things get difficult. Worship is praising God however we choose to do that. Some of us may dance while we worship. Others may sit still in silence. No matter how you worship, worship is always giving God the glory. Through worship, we also share bread and juice as a way of remembering how Jesus gave himself as a sacrifice for us. Through worship, we celebrate God’s glory and rejoice that God is always with us!

Today’s scripture passage from 1 Kings finds Solomon praying to God. Listen to his prayer.

“Lord, you are the God of Israel. There is no God like you in heaven above or on earth below. You keep the covenant you made with us. You show us your love. You do that when we follow you with all our hearts. 24 You have kept your promise to my father David. He was your servant. With your mouth you made a promise. With your powerful hand you have made it come true. And today we can see it.”

Does this sound like our definition of worship to you?

Did you hear anything from Solomon’s prayer that sounds like our definition of worship? Let’s say it together to remind one another what worship means. Worship – to give honor, hope, praise, and glory to God.

Solomon’s prayer continues, “ Hear me when I ask you to help us. Listen to your people Israel when they pray toward this place. Listen to us from heaven. It’s the place where you live. When you hear us, forgive us.”

Did you hear forgiveness and God helping God’s people? Those were also words we have talked about as we worship God daily.

Finally, Solomon prays for those who don’t know God yet: “Do what those outsiders ask you to do. Then all the nations on earth will know you. They will have respect for you. They’ll respect you just as your own people Israel do.”

This is a reminder for all of us not to force worship on anyone but to live our lives filled with daily worship of God in such a way that people are drawn to our lifestyle. Other people are attracted when they see a life lived in a worshipful way—a life that is filled with giving honor, hope, praise, and glory to God. A life like that is definitely worthy of worship!


God, you are such an amazing God that your glory fills not just the churches and synagogues, but the entire world. Teach us to worship you in spirit, truth, and in everything we do. Amen.

Between the Sundays: Family Conversation Starters

We have added conversation starters to each children’s message series to help spark conversations within families during the week. We encourage families to use these questions to guide them through conversations and subject matter discussed during the worship service, including the children’s messages on Sundays. These conversations will reinforce learning and nurture faith formation for the entire family.

  1. Using the definition of worship that we have used throughout this series, talk about how you worshiped God every day this week. Spend time each day during a meal discussing with your family how you worshiped God that day. How did you worship (give honor, hope, praise, and glory to God)?
  2. Talk about when you felt the presence and love of God today.
  3. If you are open and honest enough (or you may want to silently think about it), talk about a time when you said something hurtful or did something wrong. How did that make you feel? Now, give it to God and ask God for forgiveness. Remember, we can give God those mistakes, problems, and struggles in life. In return, God offers us forgiveness through the love God has for each of us. Now, how does that make you feel?
  4. Talk about a time when you experienced grief–a great sadness–as a family. Discuss what hope means to you. If we put our hope in God, God promises that one day, there will be no more sadness. If we cling to the hope in God, we will be comforted.
  5. Worship – to give honor, hope, praise, and glory to God. For each day of this week, find a new way to praise God. One day, it may be through dance. The next may be silent journaling or drawing on a piece of paper. Be creative! Share with other family members all the new ways you found to praise and worship God.
  6. Worship means to give glory to God. Throughout this series, we have discovered a new way to live our lives filled with worshiping God – EVERY DAY! When we live our lives that way, other people see a life lived in a worshipful way. In our Lord’s Prayer, we state, “Thy Kingdom Come, thy will be done. On earth as it is in heaven.” This serves as a reminder that we are to live a worshipful life that is filled with giving honor, hope, praise, and glory to God so that the entire world will catch a glimpse of heaven. Share with your family an example of someone you encountered this week who was attracted to your worshipful approach to your day. Because of your actions, did people see you differently this week? Did they catch a glimpse of heaven on earth?
  7. Spend time together listening to different praise and worship songs. As a family, create a Spotify playlist to listen to throughout the week. Listen to songs that are upbeat and songs that are slower in pace. Discuss with your family how the distinctive style and pace of each song makes you feel. As you listen and reflect, does this song help define worship the way we defined it throughout this series? Worship – to give honor, hope, praise, and glory to God. Here are two videos from YouTube to get you started: “Undignified,” and “Thankful,”

In This Series...

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes