As stated in the planning notes, this day for those in the USA, is not about triumphalism, but about gratitude and about confession. We can give thanks for the abundant blessings poured out on our nation (whatever nation we claim as home), even while we ask forgiveness for the way those blessings have been abused, or horded, or monetized. Humility is an appropriate attitude with which to approach the throne of God on any day, even this day.
Let us give thanks for those who have sacrificed that we might have the chance to live in peace and plenty, even as we dedicate ourselves to working for a true and lasting and equitable peace among all peoples, not just in our nation, but in our world. It is important to keep our eyes on the larger horizon of the kin-dom of God and not on the narrower confines of any one nation. The hymn “This is My Song” (437, United Methodist Hymnal) is a helpful mixture of gratitude and that larger vision of the worldwide family of God.
Opening Prayer: Freedom
Gracious God,
you have made all of the peoples of the earth for your glory.
You invite us to serve you in freedom and in peace.
Give to the people of our nation a zeal for justice
and the strength for forbearance,
that we may use our liberty
in accordance with your gracious will.
We ask this on a day of celebration,
a day of hope for a nation made free.
We ask this in the name of the one
who welcomes all to be free indeed.
Inspire us to live and worship in your freedom
and for the sake of your kingdom. Amen.
Adapted from the Book of Common Prayer
Call to Worship: Mark 6:1-13
Take off your shoes!
We are standing on holy ground.
Shake off the dust!
We are ready to start afresh.
Let us worship God and receive Christ’s teachings,
that we may be renewed and strengthened
to share God’s love with the world.
Adapted from The Abingdon Worship Annual 2009, © 2008 Abingdon Press. Posted on the Ministry Matters website.
(based on Mark 6: 1-13)
The prophets of old spoke of God’s justice,
even when it was unwelcome.
Who will hear their message?
We will listen and we will hear!
Responding to God’s call, Jesus traveled,
preaching and teaching all who would listen.
Who will hear his message?
We will listen and we will hear!
Christ sent out disciples two by two,
to spread the good news in any place
that would welcome them.
Who will hear their message?
We will listen and we will hear!
God’s prophets are among us still,
around the world and in these pews.
Who will hear their message?
We will listen and we will hear!
From To Hear and Be Heard, An Intergenerational Liturgy for the Sixth Sunday of Pentecost, year B, written by the Rev. Dr. Laurel Koepf Taylor. Posted on the United Church of Christ Worship Ways website.
Prayer: Mark 6:1-13
God of grace and powerful weakness,
at times your projects were ignored, rejected, belittled, and unwelcome.
Trusting that we, too, are called to be prophets,
fill us with your Spirit,
and support us by your gentle hands,
that we may persevere in speaking your word
and living our faith. Amen.
From Revised Common Lectionary Prayers copyright © 2002 Consultation on Common Texts admin. Augsburg Fortress. Posted on Thematic, Intercessory and Scripture Prayers for the RCL, Vanderbilt Divinity Library,
Prayer of Commitment: Mark 6:7-13
God of gods and King of kings;
you called and anointed David,
you called and blessed Paul,
and through your Son Jesus, you called the twelve to follow.
In our time you have called us.
Enable us to trust you above all voices,
beyond all of our prejudices and fears.
Give us courage to follow and serve you
among all of our neighbors
and with one another in the body of Christ.
God of the kingdom, hear our prayer.
Written by Bishop Telmor Sartison and posted on the Worship website.
Affirmation of Faith
As followers of Jesus Christ,
living in this world—
which some seek to control,
but which others view with despair—
we declare with joy and trust:
Our world belongs to God!
From the beginning,
through all the crises of our times,
until his kingdom fully comes,
God keeps covenant forever.
Our world belongs to him!
God is King! Let the earth be glad!
Christ is Victor; his rule has begun. Hallelujah!
The Spirit is at work, renewing creation. Praise the Lord!
We rejoice in the goodness of God,
renounce the works of darkness,
and dedicate ourselves to holy living.
As covenant partners,
called to faithful obedience,
and set free for joyful praise,
we offer our hearts and lives
to do God's work in his world.
With tempered impatience, eager to see injustice ended,
we expect the Day of the Lord.
And we are confident
that the light which shines in the present darkness
will fill the earth when Christ appears.
Come, Lord Jesus!
Our world belongs to you.
From “Our World Belongs to God," articles 1, 2, 6. Posted on the Calvin Institute for Christian Worship website. Reposted:
We’ll Do It Anyway
A Responsive Sending, inspired by Mark 6:7-13
Leader: Lord, what you have asked is not easy to do.
People: With your Spirit, we’ll do it anyway!
Leader: The task is so big and requires the best and the worst of us.
People: With your Spirit, we’ll do it anyway!
Leader: It is not easy to bury the ego, but we must for the sake of your mission.
People: With your Spirit, we’ll bury it anyway!
Leader: When we protest the things that aren’t of you, we’ll be persecuted.
People: With your Spirit, we’ll protest anyway!
Leader: Reconciliation is more than what we’ve bargained for,
and training costs more than what we expected to pay.
People: With your Spirit, we’ll reconcile anyway!
Leader: Loving requires a level of vulnerability that is scary as scary can be
People: With your Spirit, we’ll love anyway!
All: With the boldness of the Holy Spirit,
we’ll do your work anyway!
Valerie Boyer, Africana Liturgical Resources, Pentecost Package 1, edited by Safiyah Fosua.